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擅長: 心胸血管外科手術和危重病人(特別是心臟病人)手術的麻醉以及圍術期評估與處理
簡介: Curriculum Vitae Basic Data The name Bin Zhu (朱斌) MD & Ph. D. Nationality Chinese Sex Male The address The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College (CAMS & PUMC) 1 Shuaifuyuan Wangfujing Beijing, 100730, PR China E-mail: zhubin1998@hotmail.com;Tel: 86-10-65295582; Education and Clinical Experience Dates Place Position 8/08-present The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, CAMS & PUMC Anesthesiology Attending Physician 9/06-7/08 Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center, USA Research associate, 8/04-8/06 The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, CAMS & PUMC Anesthesiology Attending Physician 9/01-7/04 The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, CAMS & PUMC Anesthesia Chief Resident (2004) Ph.D. awarded 7/99-7/00 Anesthesiology and Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) Research Group, Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital, CAMS & PUMC Research Fellow 9/98-7/01 The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences Master’s Degree completed 8/95-8/98 The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Hebei Tangshan Health School Hospital Residency training completed 9/92-7/95 The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Hebei Medical University Medical Degree awarded Honors and Awards 2009 First place at 2009 “Braun Cup” National Anesthesiologist Research Competition in china 2008 Second Place at 2008 Youth Research Competition in Peking Union Medical College Hospital. 2008 “Runners Up” Sixteenth Annual Academic Evening Awards at Duke University 2002-2003 Selected as outstanding doctoral student at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, CAMS & PUMC 2001 Graduation with Special Distinction -- Chongqing University of Medical Sciences (awarded to top 10% graduating class) 1999-2000 Selected as one of the top 10 outstanding graduate students in Chongqing University of Medical Sciences (based upon academic achievement, professionalism, and humanism) Languages Chinese & English I have a solid command of both spoken and written English and can communicate effectively with native English speakers. Research and Clinical Interest 1. Broad basic science experience with animal models, biochemistry, and cell (neuron) culture techniques; nearly one month of strenuous and specialized training in advanced biochemistry and molecular biology laboratory techniques in Life Science College, Peking University (2005-7); One full week advanced training in Genomic Science and Information at Beijing Institute of Genomic, Chinese Academy of Sciences(2009-2). 2. Specialized in the establishment of a survival rat model of cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest and related ischemia/reperfusion injury or protection research on the heart or brain. 3. Strong knowledge on perioperative genomics. 4. Strong background in anesthesiology and extracorporeal circulation, especially in target controlled infusion (TCI) in total intravenous anesthesia, cardioprotection, and neuroprotection. 5. Strong interest in VIMA when the airway is secured or needs to be secured. 6. Strong interest in anesthesia for high risk patients receiving high risk surgery, especially the cardiac patients undergoing the noncardiac surgery. 7. Enthusiastic and thrives working in a team environment. Research Experience 6/99-4/01 Master Degree Research The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences; Anesthesiology and CPB Research Group, Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital, CAMS & PUMC. Use of Langendorff model to investigate ischemic preconditioning (IPC) and ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury and cardioprotection in immature hearts. Research Findings: 1. IPC alone can not protect immature rabbit hearts from ischemia-reperfusion injury; instead, it may lead to possible myocardium injury. 2. However, IPC provides significant cardioprotective effects when used in conjunction with cardioplegia. Activation of KATP channels is involved in the mechanism of IPC-produced cardioprotection. 9/01-7/04 Ph.D. Degree Research The Dept. of Anesthesiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, CAMS & PUMC 1. Clinical research on TCI in total intravenous anesthesia and cost-benefit analysis of total intravenous anesthesia and balanced anesthesia. 2. Basic science research on neuroprotection of primary cultured newborn rat hippocampi with anoxia/reoxygenation injury using propofol or diazoxide, an ATP-sensitive potassium channel opener. Research Findings: 1. During cultivation of primary cultured newborn rat hippocampi, both the early apoptosis rate and the death rate of hippocampal cells showed time dependent increases, with the early apoptosis rate more markedly increased. 2. At the clinical relevant concentration of 1μmol/L, propofol can provide significant protection for primary cultured newborn Wister rat hippocampal neurons with anoxia/reoxygenation injuries. Further increases of propofol concentration do not confer additional neuroprotection but may rather lead to possible neuronal damage. The mechanism of propofol protection may involve increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). 3. 50μM diazoxide pretreatment can provide significant protection for primary cultured newborn Wister rat hippocampal neurons with anoxia/reoxygenation injuries. Similar to propofol, the proposed mechanism of neuroprotection may also involve increased activity of SOD. Although diazoxide was able to relieve A/R-induced death of nerve cells, it surprisingly increased cell apoptosis. 9/06-7/08 Postdoctroal Research Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center 1. The establishment of cardiopulmonary bypass plus cardioplegic arrest in the rat and related I/R injury research or protection research on the brain and heart. 2. Genomic research on myocardial injury caused by cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest. Research Findings: 1. Cardioplegic arrest (CA=45 minutes) was successfully established on the general CPB rat model. CA rats showed significant myocardial injury but presented a satisfactory survival rate and recovery after the global myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. 3. The changes in leukocyte gene expression after cardiac Surgery could be used to classify / predict the spectrum of PMI, with potential applications in perioperative risk stratification and selection/evaluation of cardioprotective strategies Invited Lectures: 1. June 2010: the evaluation and management of cardiac patients undergoing noncardiac surgeries. Annual Meeting of Beijing Society of Anesthesiology. (podium presentation in Chinese). 2. September 2009: Impacts of full flow CPB on inflammation and myocardial injury in rat model. 9th Annual Congress of Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (English podium presentation). 3. August 2009: Safe surgery saves lives: New Advances in Anesthesia and Pain Management, Beijing Association of Anesthesiologists. (podium presentation in Chinese). 4. May 2009: Perioperative Anaphylaxis. Annual Meeting of Beijing Society of Anesthesiology. (podium presentation in Chinese). 5. April, 2008: Strain-specific differences in susceptibility to myocardial injury after cardioplegic arrest in the rat. 16th Annual Academic Evening, Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center. (English podium presentation). 6. November 2007: Comparative Gene Expression Analysis Identifies Blood Genomic Predictors of Myocardial Injury Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Cardioplegic Arrest in the Rat. NIH Fifth Symposium on the Functional Genomics of Critical Illness (English podium presentation). 7. Sept. 2004: Isoflurane-induced Neuroprotection. Annual Refresher Course Publications, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology. Beijing, (podium presentation in Chinese). 8. Sept. 2001 Single Ischemic Preconditioning in Immature Rabbit Hearts. The 6th Asia Conference on Extra-corporeal Circulation Technology, Beijing, (English podium presentation). Publications 1. ZHU Bin, Mihai V. Podgoreanu, G. Burkhard Mackensen, et al. The influence produced by a full-flow cardiopulmonary bypass model on myocardium injury and neurological function in rats. Chinese Journal of Extracorporeal Circulation. 2010, 8(1): 45-49. 2. ZHU Bin, Mihai V. Podgoreanu, G. Burkhard Mackensen, et al. The establishment of full-flow cardiopulmonary bypass in rats. Chinese Journal of Extracorporeal Circulation. 2009, 7(3): 181-184. 3. ZHU Bin, Mihai V. Podgoreanu, G. Burkhard Mackensen, et al. The establishment of Cardioplegic Arrest model on the basis of general cardiopulmonary bypass in rats. Journal of cardiovascular & Pulmonary Disease, 2009,28(5): 346-350. 4. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu, Hua Baolai. Perioperative Anticoagulant and/or Antiplatelet Drugs and Epidural Anesthesia. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2006, 26(3) 285-287. 5. Zhu Bin, Wang Lin, Ye Tiehu, et al. One Case of Anaphylactic Shock Occurring in Induction with Propofol and Succinylcholine. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2006,26(1):25. 6. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Isoflurane and the Brain Research. Forum of Anesthesia and Monitoring. 2005,12(6): 386-388. 7. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Diazoxide Pretreatment Protects Primarily Cultured Hippocampal Neurons against Anoxia/reoxygenation Injury. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2005, 25(9) :678-681. 8. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Perioperative Management of Cardiac Patients Experiencing Non-cardiac Surgery. Journal of Chinese Modern Surgery. 2005, 2(1):53-55. 9. Zhu Bin, Zhao Jinxian, Ye Tiehu. Blockers and Openers of ATP-Sensitive K+ Channels. The Chinese Journal of Clinical and Pharmacology. 2005, 22(1):70-73. 10. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu, Niu Hao. Investigation of Early Apoptosis Rate and Death Rate of Primary Cultured Newborn Rat Hippocampal Neurons. Basic and Clinical Medicine. 2005, 25(2):179-180. 11. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Effects of Different Concentrations of Pure Propofol on Primary Cultured Newborn Rat Hippocampal Neurons. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2005, 25(1):26-29. 12. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu, Zhao Jinxian. Protective Effect of Propofol on Primary Cultured Newborn Rat Hippocampus at Clinically Relevant Concentrations. Chinese Medical Journal. 2005, 118(7):603-605 (in English). 13. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Research Development of Propofol–induced Neuroprotection. Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Foreign Medical Sciences. 2004, 25:8-10. 14. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. ATP-sensitive Potassium Channel and Neuroprotection. Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Foreign Medical Sciences. 2004, 25:328-331. 15. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Effects of Diazoxide Preconditioning on Primary Cultured Newborn Rat Hippocampal Neurons. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2004, 24(3):221-223. 16. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Management of Cardiovascular Risks on Cardiac Patients Receiving Non-cardiac Surgery. Annual Refresher Course Publications, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology. Beijing Sept. 2004, PP, 6-10. 17. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Research Development of Isoflurane-induced Neuroprotection. Annual Refresher Course Publications, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology. Beijing Sept. 2004, PP, 331-334. 18. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. The Influences of Anesthetics and Analgesics on Immunologic Function of ICU Patients. Annual Refresher Course Publications, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology. Beijing Sept. 2004, PP, 405-408. 19. Zhu Bin, Zhao Jinxian, Ye Tiehu. Research Advancement in ATP-sensitive Potassium Channels. Medical Review. 2004, 10:487-489. 20. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. The Changes of Immunologic Function in ICU Patients Caused by Anesthetics and Analgesics. Forum of Anesthesia and Monitoring. 2004, 11(6):433-435. 21. Zhu Bin, Zhao Jinxian, Ye Tiehu. Cardioprotection of Cardioplegia on Ischemic Preconditioning in Immature Rabbit Hearts. Basic and Clinical Medicine. 2004, 24(6):713-714. 22. Wu Hongliang, Ye Tiehu, Zhu Bin, et al. Effect of Neostigmine on Atracurium-induced Neuromuscular Blockage in Patients Pretreated with Magnesium Sulphate. ACTA ACADEMIAE MEDICINAE SINICAE 2005,27(1):111-114. 23. Niu Hao, Zhao Jinxian, Zhu Bin. The Effects of Cardioplegia in IPC-induced Cardioprotection. Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine. 2004, 4:1462-1465. 24. Wu Hongliang, Ye Tiehu, Zhu Bin, et al. The Influence of MgSO4 on Atracurium-induced Neuromuscular Blockade. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2004, 24(6):479-480. 25. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun, Ye Tiehu. Ischemic Preconditioning in Immature Hearts--Mechanism and Compatibility with Cardioplegia. Chinese Medical Journal, 2003, 116:253-257. (in English). 26. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu, Long Cun, Min Su. Absence of Apparent Cardioprotection Following Ischemic Preconditioning in Immature Rabbit Hearts. Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2003, 12:39-43. (in English). 27. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. The Evaluation of Cardiovascular Risks on Cardiac Patients Receiving Non-cardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Foreign Medical Sciences. 2002, 23:343-346. 28. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. The Development of Clinical Use and Research with Target Controlled Infusion (TCI). Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Foreign Medical Sciences. 2003, 24:6-9. 29. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Voltage-gated Calcium Channels and Anesthesia Mechanism. Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Foreign Medical Sciences. 2003, 24:262-264. 30. Min Su, Zhu Bin, Long Cun. The Protective Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning Combined with Cardioplegia on Immature Rabbit Hearts. Chongqing Medicine. 2003, 32(2):179-181. 31. Ge Ming, Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Effects of Propofol plus Lidocaine Induction on the Hemodynamic Response to Tracheal Intubation. Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine. 2003, 3:1970-1972. 32. Gong Zhiyi, Ye Tiehu, Zhu Bin, et al. Feasibility Study of Buprenorphine Used in Postoperative Patient-controlled Analgesia. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2003, 23(4):272-275. 33. Min Su, Zhu Bin, Long Cun. The Effect of Different Preconditionings on Immature Rabbit Hearts. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2002, 22: 306-307. 34. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. The Effect of Single Ischemic Preconditioning on Immature Rabbits Hearts. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2001, 21:97-99. 35. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. The Protection and Mechanism of Ischemic Preconditioning in Immature Rabbits Hearts. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2001, 21:345-348. 36. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. The Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning plus St.Thomas Ⅱ Cardioplegia on Myocardial Function and Pathology in Immature Rabbit Hearts. Journal of Congqing University of Medical Sciences. 2001, 26:407-409. 37. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. Research Development of Monophosphoryl Lipid A Preconditioning. Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery. 2001, 18(suppl):269-270. 38. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. The Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning on Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Immature Rabbits Hearts. Sichuan Medicine. 2000, 21:854-856. 39. Zhu Bin, Ma Qing. One Case of Acute Pulmonary Edema after Open Chest Operation. Journal of Hebei Medical University. 1998, 19:140. 40. Zhu Bin, Zhao Jinxian. The Observation of Three Different Anesthesia Methods Used in Pediatric Tonsillectomy. Comprehensive Clinical Medicine.(now renamed as Chinese Comprehensive Clinical Medicine) 1997, 13(Suppl):275. 41. Xu Kaizhi, Hong Jiange, Zhu Bin, et al. The Treatment of Serious Heparin Resistance in Intracardiac Operation under Direct Vision. Journal of Anesthesia and Relative Clinical Medicine. 1997,5(2):29-31. 42. Xu Kaizhi, Zhang Lianzhi, Zhu Bin. The Application of China-produced Enflurane in General Anesthesia. Journal of Anesthesia and Relative Clinical Medicine. 1997,5(3):29-30. Conference Abstracts 1. Bin Zhu. Myocardial injury following cardioplegic arrest in a novel survival cardiopulmonary bypass rat model. 12th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. Beijing, September 21-24,2010. (in English). 2. Bin Zhu. Safe Anesthesia Saves Lives. 12th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. Beijing, September 21-24,2010. (in English). 3. Bin Zhu. The influence produced by a full-flow cardiopulmonary bypass model on myocardium injury and neurological function in rats. The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology. Beijing. September, 23-25, 2010. 4. Bin Zhu. Impacts of full flow CPB on inflammation and myocardial injury in rat model. The 9th China Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Guangzhou,2009(English podium presentation). 5. Bin Zhu, Qing Ma, Kenji Yoshitani, G Burkhard Mackensen, Mihai V Podgoreanu。Strain-specific differences in susceptibility to myocardial injury after cardioplegic arrest in the rat. 16th Annual Academic Evening, Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center, April 29,2008,35 6. Bin Zhu, Qing Ma, Kenji Yoshitani, G Burkhard Mackensen, Mihai V Podgoreanu. Injury-specific myocardial gene expression signatures following cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest in the rat. 16th Annual Academic Evening, Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center, April 29,2008,40 7. Bin Zhu, Qing Ma, Kenji Yoshitani, G Burkhard Mackensen, Mihai V Podgoreanu. Comparative Gene Expression Analysis Identifies Genomic Predictors of Myocardial Injury Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Cardioplegic Arrest in the Rat. 16th Annual Academic Evening, Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center, April 29,2008,46 8. Bin Zhu, Adrian Dobra, Qing Ma, et al. Comparative Gene Expression Analysis Identifies Blood Genomic Predictors of Myocardial Injury Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Cardioplegic Arrest in the Rat. NIH Fifth Symposium on the Functional Genomics of Critical Illness. 2007,85-86(English podium presentation). 9. Xiang Quan, Tiehu Ye, Rongrong Hao, Bin Zhu et al. Bispectral Index and Entropy Responses to Skin Incision under General Anesthesia. ASA Annual Meeting, 2007 A75(in English). 10. Kenji Yoshitani, Qing Ma, Bin Zhu, et al. Strain-Specific Differences in Sensitivity to Myocardial Injury after Cardioplegic Arrest in the Rat. ASA Annual Meeting, 2007 A1326(in English). 11. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Isoflurane-induced Neuroprotection. Annual Refresher Course Publications, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology. Beijing Sept. 2004, PP, 331-334(podium presentation in Chinese). 12. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. Single Ischemic Preconditioning in Immature Rabbit Hearts. (ABSTRACT) The 6th Asia Conference on Extra-corporeal Circulation Technology, Beijing Sept. 2001, PP77. (in English). 13. Min Su, Zhu Bin, Long Cun. The Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning and Hyperkalemic Cardioplegia on Immature Rabbit Hearts. Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery. 2001;18(suppl):225. 14. Min Su, Zhu Bin. Ischemic Preconditioning plus Cardioplegia in Immature Rabbit Hearts (ABSTRACT) The 6th Asia Conference on Extra-corporeal Circulation Technology, Beijing Sept. 2001, PP76. 15. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. Single Ischemic Preconditioning in Immature Rabbit Hearts (ABSTRACT) The 5th China International Congress of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery. Beijing Sept. 2001, PP306(English podium presentation). 16. Zhu Bin, Min Su, Long Cun. Ischemic Preconditioning plus Cardioplegia in Immature Rabbit Hearts (ABSTRACT) The Fifth China International Congress of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery. Beijing Sept. 2001, PP307. (in English). Textbook Chapters: 1. Zhu Bin Basic Principles for Intravenous Anesthetics. Intravenous Anesthetics. World Publishing Company. 2008,9-29. 2. Zhu Bin. Perioperative coagulation dysfunction. Disease Burden and Anesthetic Management. 1st Edition, People’s Medical Publishing House,2008,414-443. 3. Zhu Bin Obesity. Modern Anesthesiology of Diagnosis and Treatment. China Railway Publishing House, 2007 945-951. 4. Zhu Bin Malnutrition and Cachexia. Modern Anesthesiology of Diagnosis and Treatment. China Railway Publishing House, 2007 951-959. 5. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Current Controversies in Adult Outpatient Anesthesia. Anesthesiology Advancement. 1st Edition, People’s Medical Publishing House, 2006,563-577. 6. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Anesthesia Management of Cardiac Patients for Non-cardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology Advancement.1st Edition, People’s Medical Publishing House, 2006,314-326. 7. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. Anesthesia for Cardiac Patients Undergoing Non-cardiac Surgery. 1st Edition, Anesthesia for Cardiac and Vascular Surgery. 1st Edition, People’s Military Medical Press. 2006,714-728. 8. Zhu Bin, Ye Tiehu. General Anesthesia Technique. Modern Anesthesiology. 3rd Edition, People’s Medical Publishing House. 2003 PP936-960. 9. Zhu Bin. The Research Development of Myocardioprotection Provided by Ischemic Preconditioning. Study and Practice in Exracorporeal Circulation. 1st Edition, Beijing Medical University Publishing House. 2000, PP178-183. Zhu Bin. The Application Study Development in Ischemic Preconditioning. Study and Practice in Exracorporeal Circulation. 1st Edition, Beijing Medical University Publishing House. 2000, PP191-198